Michael Lore

Michael Lore, Esq. serves as the Deputy Secretary of State under Secret​ary Susan C. Lee. He has served as her Chief of Staff her entire tenure as state Senator and previously worked under two other Senators in the Judicial Proceedings Committee, including Jamie Raskin as his legal intern, and the longest serving member of the General Assembly ever to serve Maryland, Senator Norman Stone from Dundalk. He helped secure passage of over 100 laws including Equal Pay for Equal Work, many laws protecting survivors of crime, as well as several important consumer​ protection measures. Michael also served as an interim speechwriter and researcher for Congressman Raskin​ during the 116th Congress.

Deputy Secretary Lore has a license to practice law in Maryland and is a proud graduate of American University's Washington College. While earning his Juris Doctorate, Michael was very involved with the International Trade and Investment Law Society and notably added "investment" to their title as their President. Upon graduation he worked as a junior Legal Affairs Officer at the World Trade Organization's Legal Affairs Division where he served as a clerk on complex international disputes between member states. Michael interned at the Organization of American States as an undergraduate, and at the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe during law school. His career took a dramatic shift after the US Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United​, which drove him to volunteer and work for Common Cause Maryland and Virginia as an advocate and volunteer coordinator. He earned his undergraduate B.A. in Economics and International Affairs from the University of Colorado​ with a Business minor.

Michael's hobbies include skiing, camping and fishing. He has already traveled a good portion of the globe because his parents instilled the importance of understanding other cultures from a young age. Notably, he spent six months in South America before starting law school where he backpacked and volunteered his way around Patagonia, Bolivia and Peru. His mother was born in Argentina, and he is proficient in Spanish. He is a devoted husband and father who resides in Annapolis

Deputy Secretary of State, Maryland